The Guerrilla Guide to Interviewing - Joel on Software:
"Introduction - sound passionate
Question about recent project candidate worked on - sound passionate
Impossible Question - sound passionate | ask questions - gather constraints| out of box approach like lookup services - use any information to arrive at a solution - Get It Done approach (Approach is important to solving - information gathering (asking the right questions) and deriving meaningful information resulting into a probable solution
C Function - again look and improving time and space efficiency (use binary techniques), recursion, caching(memoization) or lazy caching of part computations.
Are you satisfied? - look for bugs in ur own software - be diplomatic but firm with your answer.
Design Question - Ask questions (gather constraints) | seek who are the actors| seek the purpose of
something being designed| seek future constraints| seek how the system is going to evolve |
capacity planning | seek performance metrics|seek business metrics| seek time and cost metrics
Then proceed to design implementation - seek entities and their relationships such as has-a, is-a, uses-a and cardinality relationships | trim and truncate unnecessary stuff| start bottom up approach
Follow these pointers:
:: Keep it simple
:: Don't over-design
:: Keep it nimble and have the ability to extend as needed
:: Deisgn should be evolutionary - should evolve with change
:: Start bottom - up (identify the objects first and then
group them to find the inherent relationships between them)
Your design should represent these inherent relationships
such as :
=> has-a, is-a, uses and cardinality relationship
and then further applying creational, structure and behavior patterns
The Challenge - Be passionate and be firm on what you know. Don't give in
to the challenges which don't approve of your opinion. Stay firm on what you
believe is correct (this is tricky - you have to know u r right)
Do you have any questions?"
Project future?
where do you see this project going in the next 2 years?
Is the project growing? (CTO)
in the grand scheme of things where do you see this project and where do you see me?
Do you value leadership qualities?
Leadership criteria?
What are your developers role everyday?
How much coding are they doing? Are they implementing new functionality
'via Blog this'
"Introduction - sound passionate
Question about recent project candidate worked on - sound passionate
Impossible Question - sound passionate | ask questions - gather constraints| out of box approach like lookup services - use any information to arrive at a solution - Get It Done approach (Approach is important to solving - information gathering (asking the right questions) and deriving meaningful information resulting into a probable solution
C Function - again look and improving time and space efficiency (use binary techniques), recursion, caching(memoization) or lazy caching of part computations.
Are you satisfied? - look for bugs in ur own software - be diplomatic but firm with your answer.
Design Question - Ask questions (gather constraints) | seek who are the actors| seek the purpose of
something being designed| seek future constraints| seek how the system is going to evolve |
capacity planning | seek performance metrics|seek business metrics| seek time and cost metrics
Then proceed to design implementation - seek entities and their relationships such as has-a, is-a, uses-a and cardinality relationships | trim and truncate unnecessary stuff| start bottom up approach
Follow these pointers:
:: Keep it simple
:: Don't over-design
:: Keep it nimble and have the ability to extend as needed
:: Deisgn should be evolutionary - should evolve with change
:: Start bottom - up (identify the objects first and then
group them to find the inherent relationships between them)
Your design should represent these inherent relationships
such as :
=> has-a, is-a, uses and cardinality relationship
and then further applying creational, structure and behavior patterns
The Challenge - Be passionate and be firm on what you know. Don't give in
to the challenges which don't approve of your opinion. Stay firm on what you
believe is correct (this is tricky - you have to know u r right)
Do you have any questions?"
Project future?
where do you see this project going in the next 2 years?
Is the project growing? (CTO)
in the grand scheme of things where do you see this project and where do you see me?
Do you value leadership qualities?
Leadership criteria?
What are your developers role everyday?
How much coding are they doing? Are they implementing new functionality
'via Blog this'
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