Monday, October 1, 2012

New Interview Questions for Senior Software Engineers - Scott Hanselman

New Interview Questions for Senior Software Engineers - Scott Hanselman:

Here's what I have so far.
  • What is something substantive that you've done to improve as a developer in your career?
  • Would you call yourself a craftsman (craftsperson) and what does that word mean to you?
  • Implement a <basic data structure> using <some language> on <paper|whiteboard|notepad>.
  • What is SOLID?
  • Why is the Single Responsibility Principle important?
  • What is Inversion of Control? How does that relate to dependency injection?
  • How does a 3 tier application differ from a 2 tier one?
  • Why are interfaces important?
  • What is the Repository pattern? The Factory Pattern? Why are patterns important?
  • What are some examples of anti-patterns?
  • Who are the Gang of Four? Why should you care?
  • How do the MVP, MVC, and MVVM patterns relate? When are they appropriate?
  • Explain the concept of Separation of Concerns and it's pros and cons.
  • Name three primary attributes of object-oriented design. Describe what they mean and why they're important.
  • Describe a pattern that is NOT the Factory Pattern? How is it used and when?
  • You have just been put in charge of a legacy code project with maintainability problems. What kind of things would you look to improve to get the project on a stable footing?
  • Show me a portfolio of all the applications you worked on, and tell me how you contributed to design them.
  • What are some alternate ways to store data other than a relational database? Why would you do that, and what are the trade-offs?
  • Explain the concept of convention over configuration, and talk about an example of convention over configuration you have seen in the wild.
  • Explain the differences between stateless and stateful systems, and impacts of state on parallelism.
  • Discuss the differences between Mocks and Stubs/Fakes and where you might use them (answers aren't that important here, just the discussion that would ensue).
  • Discuss the concept of YAGNI and explain something you did recently that adhered to this practice.
  • Explain what is meant by a sandbox, why you would use one, and identify examples of sandboxes in the wild.
  • Concurrency
    • What's the difference between Locking and Lockless (Optimistic and Pessimistic) concurrency models?
    • What kinds of problems can you hit with locking model? And a lockless model?
    • What trade offs do you have for resource contention?
    • How might a task-based model differ from a threaded model?
    • What's the difference between asynchrony and concurrency?
  • Are you still writing code? Do you love it?
  • You've just been assigned to a project in a new technology how would you get started?
  • How does the addition of Service Orientation change systems? When is it appropriate to use?
  • What do you do to stay abreast of the latest technologies and tools?
  • What is the difference between "set" logic, and "procedural" logic. When would you use each one and why?
  • What Source Control systems have you worked with?
  • What is Continuous Integration?  Have you used it and why is it important?
  • Describe a software development life cycle that you've managed.
  • How do you react to people criticizing your code/documents?
  • Whose blogs or podcasts do you follow? Do you blog or podcast?
  • Tell me about some of your hobby projects that you've written in your off time.
  • What is the last programming book you read?
  • Describe, in as much detail as you think is relevant, as deeply as you can, what happens when I type "" into a browser and press "Go".
  • Describe the structure and contents of a design document, or a set of design documents, for a multi-tiered web application.
  • What's so great about <cool web technology of the day>?
  • How can you stop your DBA from making off with a list of your users’ passwords?
  • What do you do when you get stuck with a problem you can't solve?
  • If your database was under a lot of strain, what are the first few things you might consider to speed it up?
  • What is SQL injection?
  • What's the difference between unit test and integration test?
  • Tell me about 3 times you failed.
  • What is Refactoring ? Have you used it and it is important? Name three common refactorings.
  • You have two computers, and you want to get data from one to the other. How could you do it?
  • Left to your own devices, what would you create?
  • Given Time, Cost, Client satisfaction and Best Practices, how will you prioritize them for a project you are working on? Explain why.
  • What's the difference between a web server, web farm and web garden? How would your web application need to change for each?
  • What value do daily builds, automated testing, and peer reviews add to a project? What disadvantages are there?
  • What elements of OO design are most prone to abuse? How would you mitigate that?
  • When do you know your code is ready for production?
  • What's YAGNI? Is this list of questions an example?
  • Describe to me some bad code you've read or inherited lately.

'via Blog this'

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